Produced by: Theatre Prometheus Playwright: Liz Duffy Adams Directer: Chelsea Radigan Lighting Designer: Hailey LaRoe Scenic Designer: R. Scott Hengen Costume Designer: Madison Booth Sound Designer: Kaitlyn E.M. Sapp
Photos by: Patrick Landes
Or, centers around one critical evening in Aphra Behn’s life as she tries to write a play that could make her career, while simultaneously managing the many guests that interrupt her throughout the night. While Or, is based or real people in restoration England - Aphra Behn, the first woman playwright, Nell Gwynn, one of the first famous actresses, and King Charles II of England - the play really transcends time and place by tying in 1960s themes of sexual liberation and feminism that challenge the binaries within society then and now.
Theatre Prometheus http://theatreprometheus.org/
“Lighting Designer Hailey LaRoe has strung tiny white lights overhead the audience and will in due time brightly heighten peak moments.” - DC Metro Theater Arts https://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2019/08/04/review-or-by-theatre-prometheus-at-capital-hill-arts-workshop/
DC Theatre Scene https://dctheatrescene.com/2019/08/11/review-or-from-theatre-prometheus/
Washington City Paper https://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/arts/theater/article/21081670/theatre-prometheus-or-reviewed