Phantom of the Opera
Produced by Synetic Theatre Company Director: Paata Tsikurishvili Chorrogropher: Irina Tsikurishvili Fight Choreographer: Vato Tsikurishvili Adapter: Nate Weinberger Composer: Konstantine Lortkipanidze Associate Director: Katherine DuBois Maguire Projection Designer: Patrick W. Lord Associate Projection Designer: Hailey LaRoe Lighting Designer: Brian S. Allard Set Designer: Daniel Pinha Costume Designer: Erik Teague
Synetic Theatre’s Phantom of the Opera is a silent adaptation of the classic musical. Synetic’s new take on the story shows a teacher student relationship between Phantom and Christine, and featured a Woman as the phantom. This new interpretation elegantly used Music, Projections, Light, and Dance to tell a new and haunting story.
As the Associate Projection Designer I attended production meetings, made creative contributions to the production process, helped focus the three projectors used for this show, took notes durring Tech and previews, and helped create content for the show.

The Design Process & Content Creation
The following section includes photos and images of doodles, raw photoshop and after effects files, and raw images I used to help produce content for this show.
The Beautiful Cave
The expansive cave Phantom takes Christine to for their ‘petal dance’ was one of the most challenging pieces of content to conceptualise. We were trying to create an atmosphere that was seemingly infinite in an underground cave. These are examples of the many iterations this cave took.

Production Photo: Petal Dance in the Beautiful Cave

Final Version of our beautiful Cave!

Getting Conceptually Close!

Canyon/ Stalactite cross?

Bioluminescent Version

Early concept
The Cathedral
Production photo of the Cathedral
Raw file for the Cathedral
Synetic Theatre Company
“Their trademark visual aesthetic... is boosted here by the projections of Patrick Lord. “Phantom” is the most digitally sophisticated show I’ve seen by Synetic, and the graphics of blazing Paris theaters and the catacombs of the underworld add a measure of pleasing atmosphere”
DC Metro Theatre Arts: https://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2020/02/10/synetic-theater-delivers-visually-stunning-ballet-driven-adaptation-of-phantom-of-the-opera/
DC Theatre Scene: https://dctheatrescene.com/2020/02/11/review-synetics-phantom-of-the-opera-a-sexy-female-driven-ballet-of-obsession/
Broadway World: https://www.broadwayworld.com/washington-dc/article/BWW-Review-PHANTOM-OF-THE-OPERA-at-Synetic-Theater-20200210