From the Mississippi Delta

Produced by The Essential Theatre Company

Director: Luther Wells Lighting Designer: Hailey LaRoe Set Designer: April Joy Vester Sound Designer: Luqmin Page

How to Describe this wonderful, heart wrenching, hopeful, powerful, and exquisitely written show. I feel absolutely privileged to have been a part of the team who created this show. Based on a true story of a woman’s journey out of abject poverty, into the civil rights movement, and on to a doctoral degree. The story is told through the words of three women who manifest different character and they describe their lives. A Must see.

The Essential Theatre Company


DC Theater Arts

“The lighting (Hailey LaRoe) and other technical elements then throw an element of wonder into the vignettes, both framing them, making them clear and distinct, and also suffusing the play with extraordinary moments in everyday life. Not to mention that the lighting is gorgeous — that much is evident from the first ten minutes alone, which already saturates the play with different colors, and in doing so, with different moods as well. It makes the space all the more intimate and specific.”


As You Like It

